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The CII will be undertaking work on our IT systems on 1-2 February and 6-7 February in order to better support our members and learners. The work will mean that during this time there may be no access or limited access to the CII/PFS websites and learners will be unable to take exams, access RevisionMate, or make purchases on these days. We have spoken to all those who have booked to sit an exam on these days to advise them of what action they need to take. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Introduction To Careers In Personal Finance

Meet the professionals

Hear about the rewarding, and sometimes surprising, roles and careers on offer from those in the know.

Career guidance (FutureMe)

The free online career coaching platform, with access to thousands of articles, podcasts, videos, courses and interactive tools to assist you in starting your career.

Podcast Series:

Benefits of Apprenticeships Podcast

In this episode of the podcast, we are talking about apprenticeships in the Insurance and Financial Planning professions, how they can benefit both firms and their employees. This was recorded for National Apprenticeship Week 2023.

We are joined by Tom Hegarty, chair of the financial planning trailblazer group and director at M&G Wealth, and Gideon Van Zijl, Compliance and Regulatory Development Consultant at Zurich, and former participant of a Senior Insurance Professional apprenticeship programme.


Advice to Financial Planners and Entrepreneurs

Professional Map

The Professional Map is a competency framework and career development tool that helps you identify training needs and to prepare for appraisals, career development and planning, job applications and progression. At the heart of it you will find the competencies you need to succeed in the workplace, meet business goals and drive good customer outcomes.

Find out more